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Julie Crossman
Jan 3, 20207 min read
Nervous to try yoga? The INSIDE SCOOP from people who felt the same, and how yoga helped!
Check out why my students keep coming back for more yoga when most were actually quite nervous about trying it in the first place!
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Julie Crossman
Dec 11, 20195 min read
5 Essentials for your Healthiest New Year
Here are 5 Must-Do’s experts suggest to improve your health and be your best. And, better yet, one practical way to start checking those bo
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Julie Crossman
Nov 5, 20192 min read
Building Strength ~ is YOGA good for that?
Pumping iron not your thing? I’m with you! Yet, STRENGTH is a key factor to your best health. Does YOGA build strength? You bet! Read on..
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Julie Crossman
Nov 2, 20193 min read
Is Yoga Enough of a "Workout" to Improve Fitness?
If you struggle to find time for fitness, you aren’t alone. Check out these 5 keys to feeling FIT & Fantastic, recommended by medical exper
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Julie Crossman
Oct 24, 20193 min read
Top 5 Reasons Why Yoga Is Less Scary Than You Think
You know yoga's good for you, but haven't started? Why? Here are the top 5 reasons I hear - and why yoga is WAY less scary than you think
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